Category Archives: Zero Waste Blog

9 Tips To Host An Zero Waste Party For Kids

Zero Waste Initiative - 9 Tips To Host An Zero Waste Party For Kids 1

Think back to the last time you cleaned up after a party. How many trash bags filled with napkins, plates, silverware, and cups did you toss out? If it was a kids birthday party, you probably added wrapping paper (most of which can’t be recycled), party hats, balloons, and broken or discarded party favors to […]

The Definitive Ideas to Storing Food without Plastic

Zero Waste Initiative - The Definitive Ideas to Storing Food without Plastic 2

Zero Waste Food Storages are one of the best solution that you should apply into your Zero Waste Lifestyle. Before that, you might have been familiar with some of these following advices: Taking reusable tote bags to the store is a great way to reduce unnecessary plastic Bringing reusable produce bags and selecting products without […]

Sustainable Swaps for a Zero Waste Lifestyle

Zero Waste Initiative - Sustainable Swaps for a Zero Waste Lifestyle 3

Zero Waste Lifestyle is significantly necessary, especially it goes without saying that our planet Earth is already at the alarming level of plastic waste, pollution, and global warming. According to some research, on average there is now over 1 ton of plastic trash generated by each person living on Earth. We might see this reality […]

12 Brilliant Ways To Reuse Old Pillows And Old Towels


6 Ways To Reuse & Recycle Old Pillows Did you know that the National Sleep Foundation recommends you replace your pillow every one to two years? This may not seem like long, but pillows go through quite a bit of wear and tear. And because you rest your face on them, they can accumulate quite a […]


6 keys for zero waste food storage

We’re talking about zero waste food storage, but storage for busy people and families with budgets. 26 million tons of discarded plastic went to landfills in 2015, according to the EPA. And kids are the destroyer of things, so I have even included some BPA free kid-safe products. Plastic-free is possible. If you want to take the guesswork […]

10 Zero Waste Supplies For Cleaning, Kitchen and Bathroom


Zero Waste Supplies For Cleaning Most conventional cleaning products are irritating to both the nose and throat due to artificial fragrances, volatile organic compounds (the same building blocks that create smog), and other toxic ingredients. Most conventional cleaners are also packaged in plastic and many of them aren’t biodegradable meaning they won’t break down in […]

5 Ways To Become A Zero Waste Officer


It can be difficult to become zero waste officer in the workplace especially if your job is wasteful. The average office worker generates about 2 pounds of waste just from paper products each day. Then there are the disposable coffee cups, plastic food containers and boxes from online orders. When you add it all up, offices produce […]