Author Archives: Zero Waste Initiative

12 Brilliant Ways To Reuse Old Pillows And Old Towels


6 Ways To Reuse & Recycle Old Pillows Did you know that the National Sleep Foundation recommends you replace your pillow every one to two years? This may not seem like long, but pillows go through quite a bit of wear and tear. And because you rest your face on them, they can accumulate quite a […]

10 Zero Waste Supplies For Cleaning, Kitchen and Bathroom


Zero Waste Supplies For Cleaning Most conventional cleaning products are irritating to both the nose and throat due to artificial fragrances, volatile organic compounds (the same building blocks that create smog), and other toxic ingredients. Most conventional cleaners are also packaged in plastic and many of them aren’t biodegradable meaning they won’t break down in […]

5 Ways To Become A Zero Waste Officer


It can be difficult to become zero waste officer in the workplace especially if your job is wasteful. The average office worker generates about 2 pounds of waste just from paper products each day. Then there are the disposable coffee cups, plastic food containers and boxes from online orders. When you add it all up, offices produce […]

10 Disposable Products You Can Replace

Zero Waste Initiative - 10 Disposable Products You Can Replace 1

Think about it: Straws, plastic bags, water bottles, cellophane food wrapping, Styrofoam containers and all the disposable items are an entire class of products engineered for micro-lifespans. In other words, they populate our landfills after the briefest of uses. What’s more, their low price points utterly fail to account for the true “net cost” of production, […]

Top 4 Zero Waste Alternatives To Toilet Paper


What Is Toilet Paper Made Of? Companies use different ingredients to make tissue products, but the typical main ingredient is paper pulp. It can come from a variety of sources, like post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content or wheat straw and bamboo. However, the most common source of paper pulp by far is wood, AKA virgin fiber, […]

15 Ways To Reduce Plastic Use In Your Kitchen


There are small steps we can take to dramatically reduce the plastic use in our everyday life, ultimately helping to protect our health and the planet. The United Nations has declared the plastic pollution of our oceans “a planetary crisis.” Each year, about eight million tons of plastic waste (the equivalent of setting five garbage bags full […]