Category Archives: Zero Waste Blog

Zero Waste Holiday – 8 Decorating Ideas


1. Holiday waste is terrible! A zero waste holiday is something everyone should do. Holiday waste comes from a variety of simmingly small sources. Ribbon, which is mostly superfluous the other 364 days a year, is in high demand around Christmas time. In fact, one estimate suggests that each year 38,000 miles of ribbon is sold in […]

Zero Waste – 1 best way to save our ocean!


“?ℎ? ????? ?? ?ℎ? ℎ???? ?? ??? ??????. ???? ???? ℎ???? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????, ?ℎ? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?ℎ? ????ℎ, ?? ?????? ?ℎ??? ?? ????.” The ocean is polluted! Every year nearly 9 million tons of plastic enter the ocean. Most of this plastic waste comes from improper trash […]