Wooden Hair Brush – 8 Reasons To Choose

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Why you shouldn’t buy plastic hair brush anymore

This world has a plastic problem. Plastic is used to make everything from the clothes we wear to the comforters on our beds. This does not exclude hair brushes. That’s why wooden hair brush is the smart choice for you.

Only 9 percent of plastic actually gets recycled while there is a whopping 8.3 billion tons of plastic made since its initial production.

The rest of plastic ends up in our landfills and oceans where it emits toxins, pollutes and harms wildlife.

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Clearly, the answer isn’t relying solely on recycling. It’s to eliminate as much plastic from our lives as possible. While this does mainly pertain to single-use plastic, we should also analyze all the other plastic that manages to weasel it’s way into our lives too.

The problem with hair brushes today is all about the plastic. The handles, the bristles, and even the packaging are all made from plastic.

When you’re done with the packaging and the brush itself, everything likely goes to the landfill where they degrade into smaller pieces called microplastics.

Microplastics are becoming a huge problem in the environment. They are accumulating in our air, water, and food. Then, they’re getting into us.

A recent study found microplastics in the placenta of unborn babies and scientists don’t quite know how all that plastic will affect our long-term health. 

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Microplastics pollution

Benefits of wooden hair brush

1. Good for the environment and long lasting

Bamboo is biodegradable, unlike plastic. Bamboo is environmentally friendly as it grows around 24-48 inches per day, enabling fast and frequent harvesting without causing damage to the bamboo forest ecosystem. Bamboo also has aunique antibacterial qualitymaking it naturally antibacterial, antifungal and odour resistant. So from an ethical standpoint this is another important point to consider. Also wooden or bamboo paddles and handles are firm and strong, so they can withstand the test of time. Plastic brushes often break easily after a while. 

2. Creates no static

We may all remember how fun it was to play with static electricity in our hair as kids but the reality is that it can actually cause a lot of damage on your hair. Hair brushes made from plastic tend to increase the electrical charge of your hair and make it all frizzy after brushing. Wood and bamboo on the other hand have a neutral to negative charge so static is reduced, allowing your hair to stay nice and smooth. Using a wooden hair brush will help you avoid that problem as it barely produces any static – goodbye to annoying flyaways and damaged hair!

3. Naturally nourishes hair


A wooden hair brush more easily distributes natural oils from the scalp throughout the entire hair strand because the oils are not sticking instead to the metal or plastic of a regular comb. It leaves your hair less greasy looking and healthier with the shine and bounce of nicely moisturized hair.

4. Prevents breakage

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Because the wooden pins on our brushes and combs are softer (yes that’s correct – wood is softer than plastic) and placed wider apart than most plastic brushes, they glide through the hair with ease. That’s a huge benefit when it comes to detangling and you will notice a lot less breakage and hairs falling off!

5. Massages the scalp

Being carbon based, a wooden hair brush massages the scalp in a complementary way without bruising or scraping the skin. The scalp likes the feel of the wood (it has a soft feel) which increases blood circulation and healthy oil production.

Wooden hair brushes are amazing for treating yourself with a mini scalp massage as the pins are rounded and smooth. The gentle pins prevent the brush from scraping and brushing your scalp too hard like plastic and metal brushes tend to.

Massaging the scalp also helps stimulate blood flow which transports oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair follicles, eventually leading to stronger and faster-growing hair!

6. Suitable for all types of hair 

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No matter what your hair type is, wooden hair brush are like mothers that care for your hair. They treat gently and support overall hair health for all the reasons mentioned above (and likely more).

7. Encourages hair growth

We often comb longer with a wooden hair brush because it feels so good. The massaging action stimulates the follicles to produce more hair strands, increasing hair growth and producing thicker hair.

8. Help reduce dandruff and itchy scalp

Dandruff is the result of scalp irritation. The softer, rounded teeth of a wooden hair brush won’t nick and cut the scalp or ill-distribute the oils on the scalp and hair, hence less chance of dandruff.



Beside all the benefits to your hair, wooden hair brush also helps the environment to increase plastic. If you are living a zero waste life, then it will be a must-have thing! Do your hair a favor and switch to a wooden hairbrush next time you are on the hunt for a new hair tool – you won’t regret it! 

Source: Internet

3 thoughts on “Wooden Hair Brush – 8 Reasons To Choose

  1. Erin says:

    Most people I talk to don’t know that fast hair growth shampoos (of course with no sulfates, no parabens or DEA) exist. Persons are now able to possess longer hair and achieve more options. Undoubtedly worth exploring.

    If you’re assessing alopecia, hair damage, avoiding skin disorders, hair growth, hair care generally, almost the same ideas come to mind.

    Generally, you have to stay away from hair treatments and products that include chemicals such as parabens, DEA or sulfates.

    What’s beneficial for your hair is beneficial for your skin as well.

    It goes without saying the content here is spot on for many reasons. It stays away from the accustomed errors and pitfalls too many fall into- using bad alternatives. Keep it up!

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